As we say goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009 let us hope for a better start than the ending of this year. Overall, we have seen an economic
downturn of global proportions that we have only begun to sense and feel.
I fear it will get much worse before it gets better for many. One advantage to living in Texas is that we are larger and stronger than quite a few countries worldwide. I hope that out of all this that people all over the world will take a hard look at what they believe in and what their founding principles are based on. My foundation is in Jesus Christ, therefore I stand on Him and He shall not weaken or shift! He is my Hope and He does not change! His words are the foundation of all that is and shall exist forever.
One day soon, this world will be shaken by tribulations like never before and many peoples foundations will be destroyed. If you choose to except Jesus Christ today as your foundation, it doesn't mean that you will not suffer or have trials and tribulations. It does mean that you will not be alone and you will have changed your eternal destiny for the better.
Your best new years resolution would be to put your trust in Christ.
There is no better foundation than Him now or in what is to come.
Choose Christ today!
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