Did you know that you are the sum of your choices? From the moment you awaken each day, given that you live in an environment of freedom, you get to choose your words and your deeds. Many people refer to this condition as free will. Do you ever stop to think how your words and actions effect others lives? We live in an age where you have the opportunity to reach out to hundreds (if not thousands) of people throughout the world via this tool we call the Internet. If you could tell the world anything, what would you say?
What is it that has the most weight on your heart?
I choose this day to say to you my dear reader one simple truth:
God loves you.
That my friend, is the truth. His love beamed its brightest when he sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to our realm of existence to send a message to all humankind that we our loved. Out of the love Jesus had for God, He chose to die on a cross, arms outstretched to the world, to take upon Himself all of our sin, past, present & future, so that everyone would have the choice of changing their eternal condition.
Only you and God know the condition of your heart, and only you can choose to except Christ in to change it and that my friend, is history in the making!
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