Monday, November 23, 2009

Sliding Into Grace

The night of November 20th, 2009, our oldest son was in a car accident.

His best friend came over to pick him up to go to the movies. He would have driven himself except I caught him spinning the tires at a stop sign with his little brothers in the car, so as any loving parent would do, I grounded him from driving over the weekend. The movie they chose was sold out so they ended up driving around. After visiting a couple of sport & electronic stores they left going through the dark backside of the parking lot and turned out unto a street that in less than half a mile would put them at a dark deadend.

 The streets were slick with fresh rain and the windows fogged quickly. By the time they saw the road was gone it was too late. "HOLD ON!" his best friend screamed as he prepared to slam on the brakes. The mud was loose and slick under the tires and suddenly the ground fell away as the SUV careened unto its right side just before the cedar tree in their path brought them to a crashing halt followed by the air bags deploying instantly.
Thankfully both boys had their seatbelts on and after a brief bit of shock and dissmay were able to shimmy out the drivers side window which now faced the heavens.

This is the tree that stopped them from rolling further down the hill.
It was by Gods Grace that both boys walked away unharmed that night.
Every day my wife and I pray a hedge of protection around what God has given us stewardship over, including our children, and on this night, since my wife was out of town, she said an extra prayer, just moments before the accident because the Holy Spirit prompted her to and she heard and obeyed.
Often we do not see what we pray for but when we do it is powerful.
As for my wife and I, we know first hand the power of prayer.

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